#211 Russell Moore’s Political Polytheism and the SBC’s Unbiblical Ecumenism

Is Russell Moore’s view of religious liberty Biblical? Can the first amendment to the US Constitution be supported by the Bible? How does Russell Moore justify joining with Muslims and Jews in social and spiritual declarations in public? Is Russell Moore’s position on Donald Trump inconsistent, as he supported the Mormon Mitt Romney in 2012? Is the SBC Ecumenical? California Senate Bill 1146 is also discussed on today’s programme.

[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/megiddo-radio/211-russell-moores-political-polytheism-and-the-sbcs-unbiblical-ecumenism” title=”#211 Russell Moore’s Political Polytheism and the SBC’s Unbiblical Ecumenism” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_email=”true” ]