On tonight’s programme we look at how the mainly leftist media has changed over the years and become more overtly anti-Christian. We look at Piers Morgan’s recent interview with Dr Mike Davidson who performs ‘gay conversion therapy’ and we also look at a recent case in which Nigel and Sally Rowe removed their child from a primary school in the UK as it was allowing a boy in the class to identify as a girl. What is the solution to this tyrannical direction of the West?
[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/megiddo-radio/277-piers-morgans-anti-christian-bigotry-and-the-lgbt-tyranny-of-the-left” title=”#277 Piers Morgan’s Anti-Christian Bigotry and the LGBT Tyranny of the Left” background=”#1e73be” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]
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