by Paul Flynn | Dec 21, 2018 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s programme we look at Leighton Flowers’ recent conversation on Calvinism with Andy Stanley. What is wrong with Andy Stanley’s theology? Is Stanley knowledgeable on Calvinism? Are critics of Stanley simply jealous of him, or are there real problems with his theology? What does the interview reveal about Leighton Flowers and the man’s integrity?
by Paul Flynn | Dec 15, 2018 | Radio Shows
What is Pelagianism? Can you have a credible profession of faith and still hold these views on the gospel? Can fallen man obey God? Does the Bible teach Original Sin?
by Paul Flynn | Nov 3, 2018 | Radio Shows
Tom Nash is a contributing apologist and speaker for Catholic Answers who recently wrote an article on Calvinism. What’s wrong with the Roman Catholic view of the gospel? How are Rome’s arguments similar to Neonomian and Arminian arguments attacking Calvinism?
by Paul Flynn | Oct 15, 2018 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s programme we discuss how our view of Calvinism and Reformed theology should shape how we share the gospel and how the Church attempts to reach the lost for Christ. We also look at a video, shared by Relevant Magazine, by Matt Chandler on so-called ‘white privilege’.
by Paul Flynn | Sep 15, 2018 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s programme we look at the nature of saving faith and what is grace. We look at what role saving faith and the resulting works play in salvation while responding to Pastor Mike Winger’s objections to Calvinism.