On this show Paul is joined by Richard Bennett of the Berean Beacon Ministry. Richard Bennett is an Irish former Roman Catholic Priest who has for many years exposed the teachings of Romanism since he left the church of Rome. His testimony is a blessing to many of the grace of God unto salvation. Richard has spent a long time studying the economic thought of Rome and this will be the main focus of the interview. Are Francis’ teachings on economics new? Is Francis a communist? Who is Thomas Aquinas and how does he influence the Roman Catholic world today? How has Aquinas inspired Liberation Theology? Richard also speaks of his own experience with Liberation Theology.
[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/megiddo-radio/124-pope-francis-teaching-on-economics-w-richard-bennett-merely-aquinas-and-roman-tradition” title=”#124 Pope Francis’ Teaching on Economics (w/ Richard Bennett): Merely Aquinas and Roman Tradition” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_email=”true” ]