What is the foundation of the Christian Faith? Andy Stanley claims that it is the Resurrection of Christ, but not the Scriptures. He uses this ‘technique’ to reach the ‘unchurched’. Is this Biblical? What are the fundamental problems of such a view of scripture? What are the dangers posed to the church that accepts this teaching?
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Andy Stanley’s comments about the Bible sound similar to when corporations try to give their product a new marketing brand image.
Compare Andy Stanley’s comments on the Bible to Charles Spurgeon’s:
We have a more sure word of testimony, a rock of truth upon which we rest, for our infallible standard lies in, “It is written.” The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible, is our religion! Of this inspired Book we say—“This is the judge that ends the strife When wit and reason fail.”
It is said that it is hard to be understood, but it is not so to those who seek the guidance of the Spirit of God. There are in it great truths which are above our comprehension—placed there, on purpose, to let us see how shallow our finite minds are; but concerning vital and fundamental points, the Bible is not hard to be understood—neither is there any excuse for the multitudes of errors which men pretend to have gathered from it! A babe in grace taught by the Spirit of God may know the mind of the Lord concerning salvation, and find its way to heaven by the guidance of the word alone! But be it profound or simple, that is not the question—it is the Word of God, and is the pure, unerring truth of God. Here is infallibility
and nowhere else!
Of note on this topic, readers may also find Lighthouse Trails’ article useful: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=21421