On tonight’s programme we look at some comments Michael Brown recently made on how it’s debatable, within the body of Christ, if belief in the Trinity is really a necessary doctrine to be believed to be a Christian. We also examined a story Sid Roth tells of a man who healed a baby by kicking it. Michael Brown has been friends with Sid Roth since 1984. Will Brown denounce this?

[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/megiddo-radio/305-michael-brown-oneness-pentecostalism-and-sid-roths-violent-baby-healing-story” title=”#305 Michael Brown, Oneness Pentecostalism and Sid Roth’s Violent Baby ‘Healing’ Story” background=”#1e73be” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

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