by Paul Flynn | Feb 16, 2022 | Radio Shows
What does the Bible say about those who lead the flock of Christ astray? How can we identify those teachers and avoid their errors? (Podcast only episode) Megiddo Radio · #470 False Teachers & Prophets: A Real & Present Danger
by Paul Flynn | Feb 2, 2022 | Radio Shows
On this week’s show (podcast only) we take a look at Q89-92 of the Westminster Larger Catechism in light of many current events. Megiddo Radio · #469 The Coming Day of Judgement
by Paul Flynn | Jan 25, 2022 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s programme we discuss Elon Musk’s questions on the meaning of life. Are there answers which the Bible provides? Are there answers from creation itself? What does the future hold? We also look at a listener’s questions about a right...
by Paul Flynn | Jan 18, 2022 | Radio Shows
We discuss Q80-86 of the Westminster Larger Catechism and we also briefly discuss the recent Elon Musk Babylon Bee interview. Megiddo Radio · #467 The Glorious Gospel of Christ
by Paul Flynn | Jan 11, 2022 | Radio Shows
How can we all in the church move forward together, facing a common enemy? How can we honour Christ in the public sphere? What is oppression? What is tyranny? When does Romans 13 apply? Megiddo Radio · #466 A Plea to Face Tyranny Together