#244 Bill Johnson’s Heresies in ‘God is Good’ Book

On today’s show we review Bill Johnson’s latest book ‘God is Good’. Is it as good as many pastors and leaders in the Charismatic movement claim? What does it teach? Does Bill Johnson welcome criticism? Why was Tony Miano banned from entering Bethel Church? What does this all tell us about Bethel Church? What does this tell us about overall discernment level of the Charismatic movement as a whole?

#241 Donald Trump, Paula White and the Prosperity Gospel

What is the religious faith of Donald Trump and Paula White? Is it Biblical? How serious are their errors? What is the prosperity gospel? Where does it originate from? Who was Norman Vincent Peale and what was his relationship to President Trump? What was the central message of Donald Trump’s inauguration speech?

#239 Nabeel Qureshi: Christians Today Raise the Dead

What does Nabeel Qureshi now teach about raising the dead? Has Nabeel been influenced by Bethel Church and Bill Johnson? Who is Craig Keener? What is his proof for modern miracles? How serious is this teaching? What has the Christian Church almost unanimously declared on sign gifts and miracles since Christ and the Apostles?