#233 Easy Believerism Refuted and Exposed

What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? Is repenting from your sins necessary for salvation? Is believing the gospel and trusting on Christ alone easy for the unregenerate sinner in rebellion against God? What are the similarities between some prominent Independent Fundamental Baptist preachers and men like Rick Warren?

#230 Andy Stanley, Free Will and the Seeker-Sensitive Church

What is the foundation of the Christian Faith? Andy Stanley claims that it is the Resurrection of Christ, but not the scriptures. He uses this ‘technique’ to reach the ‘unchurched’. Is this Biblical? What are the fundamental problems of such a view of scripture? What are the dangers posed to the church that accepts this teaching?

#222 Monergism, Roman Catholicism and the Protestant Reformation

On tonight’s show we look at a sermon preached by David Brown attacking the Reformed doctrine of monergism. What is monergism? Is it Biblical? How did the Reformers differ from the Roman Catholic Church during the time of the Reformation on this issue? What is synergism? What was the view of the Council of Trent? How do these issues affect how we see the gospel? Can we prove from the Bible that regeneration proceeds faith?

#216 Jesse Morrell Refuted on Calvinism

Recently Jesse Morrell, a well-known Pelagian on the internet, wrote an article called “TWENTY-FOUR SCRIPTURAL PROBLEMS WITH CALVINISM.” Is his critique valid? Does Jesse Morrell understand Calvinism? Do Pelagians, who deny the foundational Christian doctrine of Original Sin, have a credible profession of faith in Jesus Christ? How serious is their view of man’s nature? Paul will also be briefly looking at Jesse Morrell’s view of Open Theism.

[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/megiddo-radio/216-jesse-morrell-refuted-on-calvinism” title=”#216 Jesse Morrell Refuted on Calvinism” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_email=”true” ]

#213 William Lane Craig’s Jesuit Theology

What is Molinism? Where does it stand on the issue of Free Will? Where did the Jesuits stand on the issue of Free will? Does William Lane Craig know his view of God’s Sovereignty comes straight from the Jesuits? How significant is this fact? Are the Jesuits dangerous? Should we learn and study under the Jesuits? Were the Jesuits friends or enemies of the Reformation? On this show, in addition to these topics, some concerns are raised about the Acts 17 Apologetics ministry of David Wood.

[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/megiddo-radio/213-william-lane-craigs-jesuit-theology” title=”#213 William Lane Craig’s Jesuit Theology” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_email=”true” ]