#130 Vicky Beeching, CCM Homosexuals and the Bible

CCM professing Christian rock star and Oxford-educated theologian Vicky Beeching has come out this week stating that she is a lesbian. What does the Bible say on homosexuality? How should Christians respond if someone claims to be a Christian and a practising homosexual at the same time?

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#90 Alfred Kinsey, the Sexual Revolution and the Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Debate

Paul discusses the latest news about how France has become the 14th country to legalise Gay ‘marriage’ and the serious consequences on nation states who adopt these policies. How does God judge nations who call evil good and good evil? What should the Christian church do? What is the proper Biblical role of government? Who was Alfred Kinsey and how does his ‘research’ connect to the modern push for same-sex ‘marriage’? Paul discusses these issues and other related topics.