#252 Gay Marriage, Roman Catholicism and the Jesuits
On tonight’s programme we look at so-called ‘Gay Marriage’ and Bishop Robert Barron’s response to Dave Rubin’s questions on the subject. Bishop Robert Barron was a guest on The Rubin Report. Dave Rubin himself is ‘gay married’. Did Bishop Barron share the gospel? Are his views on marriage Biblical? We also look at an interview which the Superior General of the Jesuit Order did with a blog called Rossoporpora, based in Lugano, Switzerland. Are the views of the Jesuit General, ‘the Black Pope’, Biblical when it comes to marriage? What are the dangers of these men’s views?
#245 Why I Hate Socialism, Fake News and the SJW Movement
What is wrong with socialism? Is Biblical Christianity compatible with socialism? How should we view fake news and the modern social justice warrior movement? What is social justice? Where does it come from? How is the economics of the left like that of the Roman Catholic Church?
#226 Tim Kaine, Liberation Theology, the Jesuits and the 2016 US Presidential Election
What influence have the Jesuits had on Hillary Clinton’s VP, Tim Kaine? What is Liberation Theology? Does it agree with Roman Catholic social teaching found in official Roman Catholic documents? What is social justice? Where did the concept come from? Who should people vote for in the 2016 US Presidential Election?
#225 The New Jesuit Black Pope: What Power Does He Hold?
After the former Superior General of the Jesuits, Adolfo Nicolás, handed control over to the next leader of the Jesuits, the Venezuelan Arturo Sosa, we take a look at the role. What does it mean to be the Superior General of the Jesuits? How powerful is he? Is there any evidence to suggest the Black Pope controls the current pope in the Vatican? What is social justice? What is the goal of the Jesuits?