#439 Why Roman Catholicism is NOT Christianity

On tonight’s programme we take a look at Bishop Robert Barron’s recent appearance on the Unbelievable? radio show with Justin Brierley. On this programme there was a debate between an atheist named Alex O’Connor (Cosmic Skeptic) and Bishop Barron. Is...

#438 Acts 15: The Keys of Synods and Church Councils

We look at Psalm 33 for opening devotion and then we deal with the issue of the Council of Jerusalem recorded in Acts 15. How were the keys of the kingdom exercised during that council? Does the wider church, beyond the local congregation, have authority by virtue of...

#437 The Power of the Keys of God’s Kingdom

First show back in some time. On tonight’s programme we discussed the keys given to Peter and the Apostles. Please email me if there was any technical issues with the new broadcast. Thank you! Megiddo Radio · #437 The Power of the Keys of God's...