by Paul Flynn | Sep 14, 2021 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s show we looked at the recent sad news that the Church in Wales elected to bless same-sex relationships. Megiddo Radio · #451 Church in Wales to Bless Same-Sex “Marriages”: What Apostasy Looks Like
by Paul Flynn | Jun 29, 2021 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s programme we respond to Matthew Vines’ conversion of his own father to his own form of so-called “gay Christianity”. We discuss the pressure being placed on parents of such LGBTQ individuals. Megiddo Radio · #443 The LGBTQ...
by Paul Flynn | Sep 24, 2019 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s programme we look at a new film project out by ESC Films in Northern Ireland which “is a film-making project supporting the inclusion of LGBT people in places of faith” (according to their website). How should the Christian Church...
by Paul Flynn | Jul 19, 2019 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s programme we look at Dr. David Mackereth’s recent appearance on Good Morning Britain. Dr. David Mackereth was fired for refusing to identify a six-foot-tall bearded man as ‘madam’. Piers Morgan called Dr. Mackereth a...
by Paul Flynn | Mar 16, 2019 | Radio Shows
On tonight’s programme we finish our look at J.D. Greear’s message on Romans 1:24-32. What is troubling about Greear’s teaching on this text, and what is troubling about the direction of the church as a whole on LGBT issues? How can we be welcoming...