#344 Arminianism within Modern Reformed Evangelism & Matt Chandler on ‘White Privilege’
On tonight’s programme we discuss how our view of Calvinism and Reformed theology should shape how we share the gospel and how the Church attempts to reach the lost for Christ. We also look at a video, shared by Relevant Magazine, by Matt Chandler on so-called ‘white privilege’.
#342 Godless Gossip, Timothy Keller’s Comments on SJ&G and John MacArthur at NRB’s Proclaim 19
On this show we look at the recent comments made about the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel (SJ&G) by Timothy Keller. We discuss the dangers of unfairly judging the motives of fellow believers in Christ, while also looking at the dangers of the ‘tongue’ (James 3) and of the sin of sowing discord among the brethren (Proverbs 17:19). Near the end of programme we deal with the recent chatter on the internet about John MacArthur appearing at the Proclaim 19 convention, hosted by NRB.
#341 Why I Signed the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel
On tonight’s programme we will look at reasons to support and sign the ‘Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel.’
#338 The Social Justice Warrior Invasion of the Modern Christian Church
On tonight’s programme we look at the underlying problems with the social justice movement, which is attempting to take control of the Christian Church. How should we deal with the racism of the past, and that of the present that takes place within the Church?